San Diego to Nuka Hiva Day 14-16

  • Position and Time: N 03-02 by W 135-02 at 2200 UTC May 13, 2048 miles from San Diego
  • Average Speed and Course: 5.1 knots, 204 degrees true, 1600rpm
  • Wind: 18 knots at 310 degrees relative
  • Waves: 3-4 foot swells at 10 seconds, 3-4 foot wind waves.

We are in a convection zone near the equator. And we have a pretty big current against us right now, hence the slower speed.

No ships or other boats sighted, and alas no more fish caught. Although, almost every night Kosmos collects squid and flying fish on her decks. Kosmos is running smoothly and overall things are good.

Many people have asked us what life is like at sea. Yesterday, something happened that I think perfectly illustrates what life is like at sea. I (Christi) decided to have a can of baked beans for lunch (no comments from the peanut gallery, please). I opened the can and filled a coffee mug up about 2/3 way full of beans. I put the mug in the microwave. Then a big wave came. I heard the coffee mug crash in the microwave. I peered through the glass to see the coffee mug leaning on its side, against the microwave door, the beans all over the bottom of the microwave along the door. Sigh. I grabbed some paper towels and opened the microwave door, grabbing at the mug before it came crashing down on the carpet. Once the door was opened, beans immediately oozed out of the microwave onto the wall the microwave is mounted in. While I was grabbing the mug and setting it on the counter, another wave came. All the beans that had not oozed onto the wall yet came flying at me like a swarm of bugs. There were beans all over my shirt and all over the counter below the microwave. As I went to start wiping up the beans, another wave came and the microwave door whacked me in the head. So, with one hand I held the microwave door and with the other hand I wiped up the mess. This was not a prudent decision. In rough seas, one must hold on to the boat at all times. Within seconds another wave came and knocked me into the little wall to the right of the microwave. Hmmm”¦ I had a little dilemma here. I needed three hands to clean up the mess, and I only have two. Fortunately, Eric was watching my slapstick comedy routine and came to my aid. He stood behind me, holding the boat with one hand and the microwave door with the other. I leaned against him with my full body weight for support and quickly wiped up the beans. I still can’t believe I was attacked by a can of beans. Who would have thought heating food up in the microwave could be such a dangerous activity?

This is an extreme example, but a good illustration of what life is like when the water is rough. EVERYTHING, even the most mundane of things, requires tremendous effort. You can’t just open the refrigerator and rummage around. You have to know exactly what you want and exactly where it is located. You stand in front of the fridge and wait for a wave to come. Just as the boat begins to right itself, you open the door, grab what you need as quickly as possible, then shut and lock the door before the next wave comes. Dawdling is a dire mistake. If the door is open for one second too long, all of the food slides out. Of course, you need both hands (really you need 6 hands) to shove all the food back in the fridge before it hits the floor. Hand eye coordination is actually imperative one must stop the heavy things that will break your toes, like full jars and bottles, first. The second priority is breakables, like the eggs. Then, finally, you can save the least damage causing things like the bread. Inevitably, several more waves come and go while you are trying to save the food, and you are not holding on to the boat. This means you get knocked around but fortunately you tend not to actually fall because the refrigerator door simultaneously tries to shut on your head, and the smooshing helps to keep you upright.

I know I make it sound like life on the seas is terrible. It isn’t. I love being on the boat, and I love being out in the middle of nowhere. It does take some serious adjusting to the constant motion, though.

In response to a blog comment by Marie B”¦ Sorry if we confused people in an earlier post– we have active fin stabilizers that run 24-7. We just put out the paravanes in addition to see if it would make our ride even smoother with both.

10 thoughts on “San Diego to Nuka Hiva Day 14-16

  1. I have a question.. Which setting are you using for your heel out there, Krogen told us to use the Max setting as the more aggressive ones limit your speed and fuel mileage. Have you played with those to see which ones give you the best ride??

    I can understand the flying fish, but how the heck did squid get on deck?? Did some blue water just wash them up there. I’m having fun reading your stories it’s taking me back to when we did 2 days off shore in our Krogen 44. We had 7 to 10 foot waves with a 7 sec duration(not fun) and 3 of my 5 crew hanging over the back. What you said is dead on, and I had a good chuckle so thanks.

    John Ford
    KK44 Feisty Lady
    Annapolis City Marina

  2. Wow Christi – this post was hilarious. I’m sorry for you getting knocked around but you certainly made me chuckle this morning. I had a whole image of your antics in my head.

  3. Can you get the squid to jump directly into the microwave? it would save opening the beans?

    Love your accounts, first thing i look at work in the mornings is your site, dont tell the boss just keep them coming!
    I plotted your position on mapquest and the sheer enormity of what you are doing was brought home to me. I would be worried for you if i had not seen Kosmos and her crew for myself – and know what a great team you are.

    Wishing you calmer water


  4. I agree I ha to chuckle myself! As our “twin” I can totall visualize the attack of the microwave! How is Eric doing with the motion sickness? You?

  5. Greetings from the hard land! All of us, especially fellow Nordy owners, are enjoying your passage. The postings are great!
    Best Regards & safe travels,

    Kurt Antonius

  6. I don’t mean to bring up a rough subject, but I’m also curious about sea sickness. My wife, Rachel, a life long Vertigo sufferer, recently saw a specialist from UCSD, who turned out to be the world authority on inner ear issues. He was the one chosen to go into zero G with Stephen Hawking, to make sure he could handle it! Anyway, she learned a ton, and I wonder how you guys are making out. I hope all is well! After all, you can’t play Wii if you’re nauseous! 😉

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