Sunrise and moonset on Sunday December 11, 2022

It was a mellow day. As usual, we spent the morning doing chores. While Christi and Keith were washing Kosmos, a marina employee came by in a small boat and asked if that was our dinghy. When they looked over, they saw our dinghy was floating away! Eric hopped into his boat and they retrieved the dinghy. We are so grateful to him. Had he not seen it and alerted us, the dinghy would have likely smashed up on the rocks.
Our big outing was to go to eat at Azul Marino, which has been the only restaurant we’ve eaten at in Costa Baja where all three of us has been happy with our meals. Here was the sunset.

We had another fiery sunrise on Monday.

We had an appointment for Keith to get his teeth cleaned/examined at a children’s dentist that was recommended by Keith’s dentist in San Diego. Since Costa Baja was outside of town, the resort has a shuttle service that went to/from La Paz three times a day. At 8:45, we took the dinghy to the marina’s “outer harbor” gate and waited for the 0900 shuttle, which was a few minutes late. The shuttle dropped us off at the historic church in the heart of downtown. Here is a shot of the side of the church.

Since there wasn’t a wedding, this time Christi went inside. The sign said that it was a scale replica of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome and that some of the paintings were from the 18th century.

We hailed a ride share service to take us to the dentist office, about a 10-minute car ride away. We arrived 50-minutes early, so we walked around the neighborhood a little bit. The area was mostly residential, with a few businesses here and there (like the dentist).
The cleaning was uneventful (thank goodness). It cost $40, versus the $200+ that Keith’s dentist in San Diego charges. We hailed another ride share to take us back to the church. We had an hour and 45-minutes to kill before the shuttle back to Costa Baja, so we went back to The Melt for Second Breakfast.
With still more time to kill, we walked around. One of the cafes had armor out front that Keith liked.

The building that we hadn’t approached due to police activity turned out to be an art museum. As we passed by, we noticed the birds were behaving strangely. Anyone know why they were doing this?
Several streets had been blocked off to vehicle traffic. Vendor stalls lined the streets. The signs indicated that it was a Christmas event, and most vendors were selling the types of things people would buy as Christmas presents.

The shuttle was a few minutes late picking us up. We had a quiet afternoon/evening aboard. Here was the sunset. The boat to the left is the biggest single-mast sailing sloop in the world.