San Diego to Nuka Hiva Day 10-11

  • Position and Time: N 12-31 by W 129-21 at 2345 UTC May 8, 1381 miles from San Diego
  • Speed and Course: 6.3 knots, 210 degrees true, 1600rpm
  • Wind: 7-10 knots at 210 degrees relative
  • Waves: 6-8 foot swells at 10-12 seconds, 3-4 foot wind waves.

We have made it halfway to the Marquesas! We are not sure what location is the most remote distance you can be away from any land in the world. We figure at about our current position we have to be at least in the top 3.

Remember in the last blog when we were excited the sun had peeked out? The sunshine only lasted a couple hours. We didn’t even get to see the sunset. The perpetual gray has actually turned out to be a good thing, though. The humidity level has been steadily increasing. Currently the boat is comfortable and pleasant with the relatively cool temperature and high humidity. If the sun were beating down on us, I am sure it would be sweltering hot.

Also within a few hours of sending the last update, the seas began to calm down. The last two days have been much smoother and the dreaded side waves are, for the most part, gone (knock on wood).

We do have some rain in the forecast. It will be nice to wash the boat. But it does increase the risk to getting hit by some lightning. We would likely survive a hit just fine, but it hit could wipe out our communications gear. So, if all the sudden we lose contact, there is no need to worry.

Richard convinced Eric to pull out the filet table and Richard assembled it, but still no luck with catching a fish.

Video game chat: Captain America was trying to disarm a bomb that Winter Solider had placed guarding a nuclear missile. It is a delicate operation requiring exact movements of the Wii controller. One of those bigger waves came and the down gesture turned into an up gesture. BOOM! Mission failed. But other than that the Wii controllers have done fine. The good news is with video games you can usually try again, and Captain America was victorious and stopped the launch of a nuclear missile. Whew. Ultimate Alliance has been the game of choice this trip, Zelda will probably be for another trip.

We mentioned that Eric has a hard time with his night watch. Last night’s watch flew by for him. He watched the entire first season of Futurama. Each episode is about 20 minutes, which is a good interval to stop and make sure everything is ok.

Christi spends the majority of her watch shifts listening to French lessons and watches a French movie with sub-titles every day.

Getting news tidbits is fun. Everyone aboard was pretty tuned into news and current events as part of our daily lives. We were able to pick up the BBC World Service a few times, but now the only news we get is sightings of ships, birds, or flying fish.

8 thoughts on “San Diego to Nuka Hiva Day 10-11

  1. Eric – Guess maybe the Wii isn’t the best console choice at sea – or maybe you can just consider that you play at a higher difficulty level!

    95 in San Diego! Wow it was one of the about three times a year when Chicago had nicer weather (high of 80!)

    Glad to hear this part of the trip is going well – this isn’t where you need any “adventures” – I hope the lightening doesn’t hit – I’m enjoying the updates!

    Good luck catching some fish!

  2. glad you are having overcast weather, can be a bit gloomy though. warm here. Kort’s open house was last night and was very encouraging. She graduates 6/1. Tomorrow is Julia’s and registration for Larry for Kinder!!!! Next year I will have one in high school and one starting school!!!!! BTW Eric should have gotten a XBOX. Wii has so few games!

  3. Awesome to hear the news! You’ll like Zelda, its pretty awesome. Let us know if we need to mail you any other games!

  4. I am so excited for you all. Sounds like the best time ever, I can’t wait to join you in the south pacific!

  5. Glad all is well folks. Here’s strange, a business associate has travelled to and from China twice since your departure….
    Curious about the weather, thought for sure you’d have something more severe by now….knocking on wood for ya. Love the updates! Can you imagine C. Columbus using this?
    “Been at sea 17 days now. Cousin Stephen has scurvy, don’t know where we are or how fast we are going. No food, haven’t seen anything else, and left the radar in Spain”.

  6. Kosmos crew

    I have the Nordhavn 50 that chatted with you on the radio in the harbor. On the day you left we went to Catalina for 5 days and are now in our home in the mountains of Colorado looking at lots of snow. Catalina had a big fire but Avalon was saved after everybody was evacuated. I don’t know how you stand it without stabilization-True Grit. We think of you everyday on your loooong voyage. Be safe. Troll further back. Rich J

  7. Hello,

    We are on NEXUS, a 47 foot Nordhavn. We live on board full time and are on our way to Alaska after having spent a few years in the Carib.

    Just wanted to say hey. If all plans remain, we will be doing the same tirp in 08 and on to Australia. Hope we get to see you down that way.

    YOu can check out where we are via our website if you have an interest. –

    Stay safe.

    Larry, DeeDee and Isabella Biggs

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