One of the reasons we came to Santa Rosalia was to meet another boating family with a son close in age to Keith. On Tuesday (August 16), within minutes of being tied up in the marina at Santa Rosalia, Keith headed over to their boat, Avalon, to meet Brett. They were instant friends. Christi and Eric were tired from the overnight passage, so they rested in the afternoon while the boys played.
We went out for an early dinner with the Avalon family at a restaurant called Terco’s, a short walk from the marina.

Santa Rosalia was originally a company town for a French mining company, and on the way to the restaurant, we passed by some of the old mine tunnels, which apparently have recently been turned into a museum.

After dinner, we got gelato at a creamery/candy store near the restaurant. This historic church designed by Gustav Eiffel was catty corner to the ice cream place.

We ate in the plaza behind the library. The first photo is the front of the library, the second is the plaza.

We didn’t see much of the town, but most of what we saw were charming historical buildings with the metal roofs, very similar to the architecture dominant in Key West, Florida.

Every evening, the cruisers gather at the marina pool for social hour. We joined them and got to know several cruising couples.