On Sunday, October 16, Christi was feeling back to normal. Eric and Keith were not. Christi stayed onboard and cooked for most of the day. After lunch, Eric and Keith went to shore for the playdate with the family. They played Risk and swam. The water was still very green, so snorkeling was still off the table for us.
Eric and Keith went back to Kosmos for dinner. After dinner, the three of us went to shore for another quick visit with the family. Here is a sunset photo

We keep forgetting to mention that there is a bug here that floats on the water. The cove is full of them at night, and the fish go crazy gobbling them up.
On Monday, Eric and Keith still weren’t feeling good. We didn’t venture out until dinner time, and it was only to go to Ana’s to eat. Does anyone know what kind of bird these are? We are not sure if they are buzzards or vultures or another scavenger, and we’ve seen them frequently in Baja.

A photo of Kosmos

Usually, we try to get a late lunch/early dinner so we can finish eating and be back aboard before dusk/mosquitos-eat-you-alive-hour. Now that the sun is going down earlier, it’s getting trickier to time our meals. We flubbed the timing and were in the restaurant during dusk. We all got quite a few bites.
Unfortunately, on Monday night/Tuesday morning, Eric got significantly worse. Here was the cove as the sun was rising on Tuesday morning.

We lifted anchor at 0900 and took a quick 30-minute ride south within Bahia Concepcion to an anchorage off of Playa Coyote. A couple of dolphins played on the bow.
Like the cove at Playa Santispac, this cove also had a campground with palapas at one end and a cluster of homes at the other end.

Our destination was a market on the other side of Highway 1. We got the dinghy down and beached it in front of the homes that were directly across the street from the market. Most of the homes looked to be vacation homes that were currently closed for the off-season.

Unfortunately, the lots were fenced and the fences that we tried were locked. We took the dinghy over to a nearby campground. Here is a shot of the cove looking northeast from the campground.

We walked along Highway 1 to the market/restaurant. It was surprisingly green.

We’d been told that the market/restaurant had just re-opened a few days ago and was not yet fully stocked. We’re unclear if it had closed due to the hurricane or if had closed for the off-season. The store had very little in-stock.
Since the men were still was not feeling good, we made a bee-line back to Kosmos. Under normal circumstances, we would have stayed for lunch, then gone searching for the warm springs that were here (and supposedly easier to find than then ones near Playa Santispac).

It turned out to be a blessing in disguise that we went right back to Kosmos. In the short time we were onshore, the wind and waves had picked up in the cove. When we got back to Kosmos, we saw that the forecast had changed, and that the wind was going to continue to pick up. Had we been ashore much longer, getting the dinghy launched would have been tough, and it would have been a wet ride back.