Sunrise on Thursday, October 20

In the morning, we did our usual school/chores routine. In the afternoon, we took a dinghy ride to scope out the area.

We circled around each of the big rocks that are north of us in the anchorage. They are the same two rocks featured in the last two photos in yesterday’s blog post, but both rocks look totally different from different angles.

And here are some of the birds that were hanging out on those rocks.

The water clarity was incredible. Both rocks looked to be good snorkeling spots, but the west side of the western rock looked like it was teeming with interesting things to look at.
As good as the snorkeling looked, we decided to simply play on the beach on the north side of the anchorage. he first photo is looking southeast, the second photo is looking northwest. You can see a small sandstone peninsula jutting out relatively close to the western rock. Talk about a protected little nook! Too bad it was too shallow for anything bigger than a dinghy.

In the photo above, you can see a tree to the left, growing in the rocks. According to the cruising guide, this tree is called the “cruiser’s shrine.” Apparently, the cruisers have decorated it like a Christmas tree with assorted mementos. We didn’t walk over to it to get a close look, but here is a photo we took from the dingy.

It appeared to us that most of the decorations had blown away in the hurricane. Someone is going to have to put some love into properly rehanging the decorations that are left, and scouring the rocks for the decorations that may still be nearby.
You guys look great and I’m loving keeping up with your adventures??????
Great pics! Really cool landscape—and I hope you get some excellent snorkeling in!