Sunrise on Saturday, October 29

We had stayed out late for the Dia de Los Muertos festivities, and on Saturday morning, we were off to a slow start. The diver came and cleaned Kosmos’s bottom. Eric met one of the neighbors, who had a dive compressor onboard his boat and offered to fill our empty tank. Yay!
Dan and Drake came over in the late morning. Claire had told us that the hotel/restaurant a mile away from the marina, called Hotel Tripui, had pretty good food, and they would let us use their pool, which was warmer and larger than the marina pool. We walked over there for lunch and brought our swim gear.
Within the Puerto Escondido resort is a grid of wide roads paved with concrete. Outside the resort it’s a single asphalt road.

The hotel had looked tiny to us all the times we’ve driven past it. Up close it was bigger and nicer than we’d realized. It looked like there may also be some other houses set off the road near the hotel that could be a group of ex-pats.

The boys did not want to swim at the hotel, so after lunch, we trekked back to the marina. After the long walk in the heat, they were ready to go in the pool at the marina! The males hung out at the pool for a couple of hours before going back to Kosmos. Christi wasn’t feeling great, so she skipped the pool and took a nap.

Here is the sunset.

On Sunday, Dan, Liz and Drake came over. We hung out at boat for a while, then had lunch at marina.

After lunch, we went to pool and the kids played in the (not heated) hot tub.

As the day wore on, Christi felt worse.