Sunrise on Saturday, February 11. It was another morning where the clouds mostly, but not completely, blocked the sun.

We’d made an appointment at the fuel dock to get 250-gallons of fuel. As you can tell from the photo above, it was a low-wind day, so it was perfect for moving Kosmos to the fuel dock and back.
Since we were moving Kosmos anyway, we decided to take her for a short spin in the bay to give her some exercise before the fuel up. Obviously, we ran the main engine. We also ran the wing engine, generator and flushed AC water maker.
We realized that even though we’d been at the fuel dock for an entire month, we’d never posted a photo of the fuel station!

Since we were getting such a (relatively) small amount of fuel, it was (relatively) fast and easy. We only used one tank, and Eric had already pre-loaded the Stanadyne (a fuel stabilizer). After the fuel up, we went back to the slip and Eric started polishing fuel.
He filled up the freshwater tank with the hose, then squirted some water into the blackwater “straw” in hopes that the Sew Clean had dissolved the clog enough that the water pressure would break apart the clog and the debris would fall into the tank. The water went in fine, so hopefully, the blackwater pump out will work the next time we try it.
It was a unique sunset.