Here are a couple of sunset photos, taken on Friday, which was our last night in Chula Vista (southern San Diego Bay)

On Saturday, we moved to the Police Dock, the only overnight public dock in San Diego Bay — and most importantly, the closest dock to the mouth of San Diego Bay.

On Sunday, December 1, at exactly 0500, we untied. It was a cloudy, moonless night, making it especially dark. One of our friends came to see us off, and he got a shot of us leaving.

There was a tense moment when a large ship in the channel got close to us, but other than that, navigating out of the bay in the dark went fine. The ocean was calm, and dawn broke shortly after we reached the ocean.

Thanks to the pleasant sea conditions, the 10.5 hour ride to Ensenada was lovely. It was the kind of day where we were glad to be traveling by boat. However, shortly before arriving in Ensenada, we were engulfed in fog. The fog made entering Marina Coral a bit scary, as we couldn’t see the entrance until we were almost on top of it! Thank goodness for electronics!

We had another minor SNAFU during docking. Eric turned into our assigned slip to see that someone had strung a line across it, making it impossible for us to pull in. Fortunately, the slip behind it was vacant, so Eric backed into the vacant slip. The marina let us stay in that slip.
Since it was a Sunday, we couldn’t check-in to the country, so we stayed aboard for the evening and went to bed early.
It’s so nice that you are all out on another adventure. I always enjoy reading the blog. Am I correct in assuming that you will be primarily cruising in the SoC once more?
We are heading to Panama!
Eric, it’s been a while since we touched base, and I wanted to let you know that Mary and I still remember the dinner we had together in Ensenada along with Richard back in 2005. Looking forward to following your latest adventure. Stay safe.
Sorry I didn’t get a chance to say bon voyage!
Is there a book 3 ?
No, there is no Part 3 as of yet. Christi was working on it when she was pregnant with Keith… after he was born, she never wrote another word again. Now that life has slowed down for us, we’re hoping Christi can finish Parts 3 and 4 in the near future.