On Friday, March 14, starting at 0100 and lasting until 0500, there had been a full moon eclipse. Had we stayed up and the clouds cooperated, we probably could have seen it from here. But chose not to. When we awoke, the eclipse was fully over and the moon was shining like a spotlight.


And this one was taken shortly after the sun rose

As much as we liked Calabash, we needed to move on. As we’d mentioned before, a storm was coming, and given the direction that the wind and waves would be coming from, this anchorage would not provide adequate protection. We quickly got Kosmos ready to go to sea and pulled up anchor around 0900.
The ride to Elizabeth Harbor took 5-hours. Thanks to the multitude of little islands we passed along the way, we were in protected waters and the seas were calm for the majority of the passage. The tiny islands dotting the vibrantly blue water was stunning.

However, the cloudier it got, the less vibrant the color of the water. Even though we already knew that there were over 300 boats in Elizabeth Harbor, it was still jaw dropping as we approached the harbor and saw what appeared to be an endless sea of masts.

It started raining as we entered the harbor. The anchorage was huge, and Eric had spent a lot of time scrutinizing the best location to drop anchor. He had decided he wanted to be between Georgetown on Great Exuma Island (for easy access to civilization) and Chat N Chill Beach on Stocking Island (which is where the kids hung out). Eric was delighted to find a spot exactly where he wanted to be, and we dropped anchor near a Nordhavn 68. We could see that there were several more Nordhavns in the anchorage, too.
It rained for maybe an hour. Even though Kosmos hadn’t gotten too salty on this passage, we were still grateful for the wash down. There hadn’t been much dinghy traffic when we entered and anchored, but when rain stopped, tons of dinghies started zooming by and making wakes, and it became rolly and uncomfortable. We deployed flopper stoppers and got dinghy down.
By the time we were situated and ready to go to shore, it was close to 1600. Scarred from our mosquito nightmare last evening, we opted to stay aboard rather than venture to shore so close to the mosquito witching hour. We had a quiet night aboard. We were again amazed by how bright the moon was.

In other news, Eric has been trying to contact Arco about the failure. ARCO finally got back to us while we were on our way to Elizabeth Harbor. ARCO told us that what had happened shouldn’t have. They said they would send a schematic and open a customer service ticket for us. We never got the schematic and we are unable to access the ticket. We’re frustrated that we are no farther forward with resolving the matter than we were before the call.
That moon really is bright—amazing pics. Flopper stoppers is my new favorite word — and Arco is my least. I hope they come through eventually.