Caleta San Juanico to Puerto Escondido

We spent Sunday, October 23 doing chores and visiting with the other cruisers in the anchorage. Our neighbor on Stray Cat had to climb his mast, and while he was up there, he took some pictures of us and the anchorage.

Here is the sunrise on Monday, October 24

We pulled up anchor at about 0800 and headed to Puerto Escondido. A neighbor in the anchorage, named Sandy, hitched a ride with us. Sandy had a vehicle in Puerto Escondido. She was going to run some errands and hitch a ride back to Caleta San Juanico with another boat that was heading up there in a few days.

The seas were calm and smooth the entire way. At one point, we encountered a giant pod of dolphins. We saw at least 100 dolphins in the general area, and probably at least a dozen were playing around our boat. The first video is a short one of some of the dolphins playing on the bow. The second one gives you a sense of how many there were and how spread out they were.

Here is a photo of “The Waiting Room,” which is the anchorage that you pass through to get to the channel that leads into the inner harbor of Puerto Escondido. We’d posted a photo of “The Waiting Room” the first time we’d gone to Puerto Escondido, but there had been a large boat at the dock on the left that had obscured much of the scenery. This is a better photo.

And here is a photo of the canal, taken from “The Waiting Room,” looking into Puerto Escondido. We’ve previously only posted photos of the canal that had been taken from the marina looking out towards the waiting room.

It was a 6.25 hour ride in total. Having a companion with us made the time fly by!

That afternoon, we had a late lunch/early dinner at the marina. As we sat outside, we talked about how wonderfully pleasant the weather was at that moment. It was warm, not hot, and the breeze was cool, not cold. It felt heavenly. We checked the temperature and it was 81 degrees Fahrenheit! You know you’ve acclimated to hot weather when 81 degrees feels cool! Here is the sunset.

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