The sunrise on Friday, December 20 was muted by clouds.

After schoolwork, morning chores, and a visit from the French baker, we went to pool for a few hours.

In the early afternoon, the company that handles a lot of the boat maintenance in the basin (ie. washing, bottom cleanings, etc) threw a Christmas party for the cruisers. That was a nice opportunity to meet fellow cruisers and get good information for our upcoming travels.

We decided to take the water taxi over to Barra de Navidad for dinner. We chose a restaurant called Isidore’s that was on the water on the bay side. We were seated on an outside deck that had pangas tied up to it. At one point, a panga pulled up behind us. The driver tied up to the deck, hopped over the railing, and exited through the restaurant. The food was great and they were generous with the rum in the pina colada.

Check out this huge tree near Isidore’s.

After dinner, we headed back for the boat for the night.
We’d been advised to look around the resort some more, especially the tenth floor. So on Saturday morning, before going to the pool, we wandered around. We took an elevator up from the lower pool level into the lobby.

Christmas tree in the lobby

Views from the lobby (which are pretty much the same as 15-years ago)

Exterior of main hotel entrance

From the lobby, we had to walk a few hundred feet to another elevator up to the tenth floor.

On that floor was the presidential suite, a small pool, and a small bar that had not yet opened for the day.

As inviting as the “secret” pool was, Eric and Keith opted to go to back down to the main pool. Rather than taking the elevator, Christi meandered through the beautifully landscaped walking paths, and eventually met them at the main pool.

Here is the staircase from the main pool to a protected beach and swimming area

After swimming, we went back to Kosmos to shower, then headed back out to…. To be continued….