Pizza, Gelato and Protestors

On Saturday, February 15, Christi decided to take a video of the sunrise so everyone could hear all the different birds in the marina:

We went for a walk along the jungle loop. We usually see coatis, but there were even more out than normal. 

We also saw several capuchin monkeys in the trees.

On our last trip to town, the shuttle driver had told Eric that he’d pick people up from the shopping center with the dentist, called El Rey Sol, as long as it was pre-arranged ahead of time. So today we caught the 1:00 shuttle and were dropped off at El Rey Sol. 

We had Barrio Pizza for lunch, which was surprisingly good. On the drink menu, they had raspadura in lime or passionfruit flavors. We ordered one of each. The lime was essentially limonada with a weird under taste. The passionfruit was a blend of juices, also with a weird under taste. Eric thinks the under taste may be malt. 

We went to Gelatisimo for dessert. Their gelato was great. 

On Sunday morning, we could hear the howler monkeys screaming. Knowing they were close, Eric and Christi went searching for them. They were behind the church

In the afternoon, Keith played D & D with other kids. 

We heard reports that on Sunday there was a protest in Colon near the bridge, essentially blocking traffic to/from the bridge. We were told it was the same group that had tried to take over the abandoned housing in Ft. Sherman, and realized that we never posted an updated about that situation: We have no idea what happened. When we’d returned from San Diego, the protestors were gone and the gate had been chained shut. 

Monday was yet another quiet day. We did school and chores in the morning. Eric ran a kids D & D session in the afternoon and Eric and Keith played Civilization in evening. It was a lovely dusk.

One thought on “Pizza, Gelato and Protestors

  1. A bit envious today of your permanent vacation. I’m sure you have stress, but it’s a good kind of logistical/ problem solving stress. Watching your cruise towards Cuba closely!

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