The full moon was vibrant and high in the sky as the sun was rising on Saturday, March 15


We hadn’t gotten off the boat yesterday, and we were eager to have some time on land. Even though the rain had passed and no more rain was in the forecast, the wind was still just as strong as it had been yesterday. We decided to go to shore for lunch, despite the fact that it may be a rough and/or wet dinghy ride. The ride south was fine as we were going with the wind and waves. Here was a photo of George Town (on Great Exuma Island) as we neared it.

The dinghy dock for George Town was in a small saltwater lagoon, named Lake Victoria, connected to the harbor via a small channel. The channel was surprisingly narrow — only wide enough for one dinghy — and was covered by a low bridge.

There was a noticeable force to the water inside the channel, making it feel more like we were on a ride akin to The Pirates of the Caribbean at Disneyland than a typical dinghy ride. Lake Victoria was surprisingly big, but we didn’t need to venture far into the lagoon since the dinghy dock was just on the other side of the bridge, in the heart of town.

We walked a few blocks south to get to an ATM machine. With local currency procured, we walked several blocks back north. Most of the buildings that we saw were either small bungalows or blocky two story structures. Most were painted cheerful colors.
We’d chosen a restaurant called The Sandpiper that had good reviews. The small restaurant was packed, so we figured it must be good. Fortunately, there was a table open for us.

Eric ordered a lobster roll. Since lobster was abundant here, it was only $4.00 more than a hamburger. The lobster meat was mixed with butter, mayo, celery and chives and was served on a roll with lettuce. Eric said it was fantastic.

After lunch, we stopped by the grocery store to scope it out, then headed back to the dinghy. Christi decided to film our passing through the canal — and wow, was it a wild ride out!
Sadly, our entire dinghy ride back to Kosmos was bumpy and wet.
We hadn’t been back for long when it was time to leave again. We’d been told that the teens meet every day at 1500 at Chat N Chill beach, and we wanted to take Keith. On the drive over, we were fascinated to see that the clouds were tinged with turquoise.

The beach got its name because there was a bar there named Chat N Chill, which was situated next to a small tourist shop.

Nearby, there was a little kiosk, also named Chat N Chill, that sold Conch salads. The pile to the right was discarded conch shells.

The draw for the kids was three volleyball courts, picnic tables and benches, and a homemade playground, which had a tire swing, regular swings, and climbing equipment. Since most of the equipment was made out of boat lines, we’re pretty sure that the cruisers had built the playground.

From what we’ve ascertained so far, it seems that many cruisers here in Elizabeth Harbor arrived early in the cruising season and have been here for months. Those people all have established friend circles. It was clear that all kids at the beach already knew one another. No one approached Keith to welcome him, and Keith didn’t feel comfortable approaching them. We left after 45-minutes with no interaction.