(Thursday, October 6, continued) In the evening, we decided to continue exploring the area by heading south on Highway One. We’d only been south once, and hadn’t been paying attention as we walked.
The black sand beach was covered in debris from the storm. Here is a before and after.

We haven’t mentioned this, but there is lots of debris floating around the harbor, too. We were pretty frustrated with ourselves when we realized that the very first building to the south of the marina had an auto parts store that sold oil (in the building pictured above).
The buildings on the south side were much newer and looked like your typical Mexican town. There was second auto-parts store about a block further down. There was also a branch of the bakery and a couple of mini-marts, so we hadn’t needed to walk all the way downtown as often as we did.

We chose a place called Restaurant Regio primarily because it had indoor seating.

Though on the west side of the street, there were beautiful views of the water from inside.

The food was great. Keith ordered tostadas, which are deep fried tortillas topped with chicken, lettuce, tomatoes and cheese.
Here are some photos of the shoreline, taken across the street from the restaurant. The one with Keith is looking north towards the harbor, the one with Christi is looking south.

The nearly full moon rose before the sun had set. Check out the moon to the right of the cloud.