Full moon about to set behind this house on the morning of Monday, October 10

Followed by the sunrise

Monday was our usual routine: chores in the morning and a trip to downtown in the afternoon to run some errands and have a late lunch in restaurant.
Eric had equalized the batteries overnight. He started the process right before we went to bed. Then he set an alarm for the middle of the night so he could keep up the process for the recommended 8 hours. In the morning, he changed the primary fuel filter (Racor filter) on the tank that had already finished filtering and started filtering the other tank.
There weren’t many restaurants open on Monday afternoons in downtown. After walking around for a while to check out our options, Keith requested that we go back to Restaurant Regio. which is south of the marina on Highway 1.
When we got there, we were disappointed to see that the entrance was blocked by a cement truck that was spewing out copious amounts of diesel exhaust. We continued south to the end of the business district. While there were several more restaurants on the west side of the street, they all had outdoor seating right on Highway 1. Given that it was rush hour, we didn’t want to sit outside breathing exhaust fumes.
At the end of the business district, on the west side of the street, was a monument of some sort. The second photo is of Christi is looking north towards the marina.

We turned around and headed back towards the marina. The only other restaurant that was open with indoor seating was a Chinese restaurant that Eric had eaten at the first time we were in Rosalia. He decided he didn’t want to go back today.
There was a seafood restaurant called Mariscos El Inge on the east side of the street that had outdoor seating off the highway, facing the water. This restaurant had been recommended to us, but up until now had been closed due to the hurricane. While they normally had some non-seafood options, at that moment, they only had seafood, which Keith wouldn’t eat.

We went back to the boat and scrounged together a meal. Here is night two of the full moon, which is a rare astronomical event.

On Tuesday morning, the moon set well after sunrise. The equipment in the foreground is for the harbor improvement project.

On Tuesday morning, Eric changed the other Racor filter. Both filters were surprisingly clean; this is some of the cleanest fuel we’ve gotten. He also checked the day-tank for water. No water. Christi focused on getting Kosmos ready for sea. The longer we are at a location, the more stuff we get out. The more stuff we have out, the harder it is to put it all back away in preparation for sea. After 12-days here in Santa Rosalia, getting ready for sea was a project.
Christi and Keith went to El Muelle for a late lunch. The soup of the day was vegetable soup with noodles. We’ve realized that every soup at El Muelle has the same base broth; what varies is which ingredients they add to the base. And that base broth is fabulous. Eric went to burger place across the street.