San Evaristo, Day 2

On Thursday (November 10) the long-promised strong winds from the north finally arrived. It was a noticeably cool wind. The anchorage was nice and calm.

We went to shore at lunch time. Our first goal was to check out the market, so we landed the dinghy in front of a cluster of buildings towards the northern part of the bay. The cruising guide had indicated the market was here.

Looking southwest.

Looking northwest. Kosmos is tucked into the nook between the two hills.

We headed north on the beach, looking for something market-like. We passed a couple of homes. At the second house, there was a man who started up a conversation with us. We asked where the store was and he said it was the green building behind the desalinization plant, and we could pass through his property to get there. We realized the building directly next door to him was the desalinization plant.

It was surprisingly modern, powered with a generator and solar panels. The green building behind the desalinization plant was definitely a residence. There was someone hanging laundry outside, with kids playing in the yard with dogs and running in and out of the house. There were no signs to indicate it was a business.

We wandered around for a bit, looking for another green building. but there wasn’t much around. It looked like most of the buildings were farther up the hill.

We finally noticed that next door to the green building was a white building with green trim and a green sign. We realized that was the market.

We were sad to find that they had no perishables. The lady at the register told us that the green house was the other market and to check there. We went into the green house to find that the living room had been converted to a tiny store of sorts, and we could see that the rest of the house was a personal residence. This store had nothing perishable, either.

We walked to the restaurant for lunch, following the inland road. We quickly figured out why the buildings were so sparse in this area — it was an estuary!

The inland road ended where the estuary connected with the sea, and from there we followed the beach.

This is a cool shot of the mountains behind San Evaristo.

Here is a photo of Kosmos in her nook that we took on our way back from lunch.

And the sunset

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