San Diego to Nuka Hiva Day 11-13

  • Position and Time: N 06-49 by W 132-58 at 1722 UTC, 1784 miles from San Diego
  • Average Speed and Course: 6.1 knots, 212 degrees true, 1600rpm
  • Wind: 15 knots at 270 degrees relative
  • Waves: 6-8 foot swells at 10 seconds, 4-6 foot wind waves.

On Tuesday evening, after we sent the last update, the seas became significantly rougher and it tried to rain. By “tried to rain” I mean that it would drizzle for a few minutes, stop for a while, then drizzle for a few minutes, and so on. That lasted for 36 hours. This meant we had to keep the boat all closed up. When we closed the boat up on Tuesday night it quickly became warm and uncomfortable without the ocean breeze to cool us off. So, Wednesday and part of Thursday we turned on the generator so we could run the air conditioner. We took advantage of the generator being on and did some laundry.

Oddly enough, after the rain started, Continue reading

San Diego to Nuka Hiva Day 10-11

  • Position and Time: N 12-31 by W 129-21 at 2345 UTC May 8, 1381 miles from San Diego
  • Speed and Course: 6.3 knots, 210 degrees true, 1600rpm
  • Wind: 7-10 knots at 210 degrees relative
  • Waves: 6-8 foot swells at 10-12 seconds, 3-4 foot wind waves.

We have made it halfway to the Marquesas! We are not sure what location is the most remote distance you can be away from any land in the world. We figure at about our current position we have to be at least in the top 3.

Remember in the last blog when Continue reading

San Diego to Nuka Hiva Day 8-9

  • Position and Time: N 16-47 by W 126-45 at 2355 UTC May 6, 1084 miles from San Diego
  • Speed and Course: 6.1 knots, 210 degrees true, 1600rpm
  • Wind: 7 knots at 210 degrees relative
  • Waves: 6-8 foot swells at 10-12 seconds, 3-4 foot wind waves.

The trip meter went over 1000. We are officially arrived to the vicinity of the middle of nowhere! Pretty soon we will be half way, which is still the middle of nowhere.

Yesterday, we deployed the paravane fish. We wanted to see how much it helped with the roll. It helped some, slowed us down, as expected. We decided that the fish didn’t stop enough of the roll to justify the loss of speed, so we put the fish back in their holders after a day. It was a bit tricky to bring them in out of the open ocean, but we did it.

We are still experiencing good size waves from the front at regular intervals, while simultaneously getting Continue reading

San Diego to Nuka Hiva Day 6-7

  • Position and Time: N 20-34 by W 124-24 at 2155 UTC, 818 miles from San Diego
  • Speed and Course: 6.0 knots, 210 degrees true, 1450rpm
  • Wind: 12 knots at 150 degrees relative
  • Waves: 6-8 foot swells at 10-12 seconds, 3-4 foot wind waves.

We are almost one third of the way.

The routine has pretty well set in. Doing watch, eating, sleeping, doing engine room checks, checking communications, etc. The obvious fact that we are about hundreds of miles from the nearest land (Mexico’s Guadalupe Island) occasionally comes to mind. The seas have picked up, and there is no doubt we are on the open ocean. We get a combination of a swell and wind wave about every minute or so gives us some strong roll, even with the stabilizers. We estimate these waves to be about 8 feet or so. Anything requiring moving around takes extra concentration and careful timing between rolls. Continue reading

Day 5 San Diego to Nuka Hiva

  • Position: N 24-27.32, W 121-57.12 at 2322 UTC on May 2, 2007 (549 nautical miles from San Diego).
  • Speed and direction: 5.9 knots, 210 degrees true.
  • Wind: Wind 15 knots 150 degrees relative,
  • Waves: 6 foot swells, 10-12 seconds. Wind waves 1-2 feet. 1016.7mb.

Our route to Nuka Hiva is almost a straight line, but not quite. This morning we altered course slightly to 210 degrees true. Our next way point is N19-30.67 by W 125-04.60, which we expect to reach in about 60 hours. In case you have not noticed Continue reading