Friday May 12th in Dana Point – There were a lot of people involved making a boat as sophisticated as Kosmos. Dozens and dozens of factory workers that we did not get to meet (well except for three of them — see final construction update post). In addition to all the people at the factory, there are dozens of people in Dana Point. This includes Nordhavn (aka Pacific Asian Enterprises) staff, as well as several of the contractors that helped out. To thank them all we threw a dock party with plenty of food and drinks. Unfortunately, Christi forgot to put out non-alcoholic beverages, but no one complained.
We reminisced that it was over 3 years ago when we started thinking about getting this boat, and 2 years ago we actually signed the paperwork to officially start the process.
Here is a picture of Jeff Leishman, Owner/Chief Designer at PAE, and Eric. Continue reading →