Day 7 — Saturday:
We were all exhausted from three busy days in a row. It took us until noon to get moving, and then we just went to Carrefour to get something to eat. After lunch, Keith and Eric went to the pool. At dinner time, none of us felt like cooking, so we went to a pizza restaurant inside the nearby Marina Tahina complex.
Before we ate, we strolled around the marina. At the far north end of the marina are two buildings that we are pretty sure are new. One looks like a laundry room on the ground floor with an apartment above it, and the other is a restaurant (maybe two restaurants sharing the building?) that has a new dinghy dock.
Other than that, the marina looks the same. Most of the boats are Mediterranean-moored, with passarelles to get on and off the dock. While we do remember the building that the pizza restaurant was in on the southern side of the marina, we don’t remember it being a restaurant. Here are a couple pictures:

Keith was the only one to order pizza, and he liked it. Christi got Continue reading