Interview with Christi on From Left to Write Book Club

From Left to Write Book Club did an interview with Christi! Read it here. And there is still a chance to win a free book, this time leave a comment about what luxury you would pack on your boat trip around the world.The winner of the book contest will be announced on their site on July 29th.

Ask Christi a Question and Win a Free Book!

From Left to Write Book Club is going to be interviewing Christi. They are taking questions from the general public. To encourage people to submit questions, they are giving away a free book. Each separate question posted in the comments on their site is an entry in the book contest.  Now is the time to ask all those questions you’ve been wondering about!

Plain to Keystone

Monday, May 10 — Day 17: Plain, Wisconsin to Worthington, Minnesota (continuing on the Passage Across America)

Visit to Taliesin, famed architect Frank Lloyd Wright’s personal estate, in Spring Green, Wisconsin. The second photo is his school, one of his earliest designs that he constantly revised over the years. The first is the only restaurant Wright ever designed, near the end of his life.



Dayton House Bed & Breakfast in Worthington, Minnesota Continue reading

DaVinci Science Exhibit and Dinner in Rythmeno

Monday, May 18 Needless to say, after such a late night last night, we were off to a slow start this morning. By early afternoon, we had finally gotten moving. The other day when we were at the aquarium, we had noticed the exhibition hall next door was featuring a traveling DaVinci science exhibit. Another family friend had seen the exhibit when it was in France and had said it was wonderful, so Eric and Christi decided to go see it today. We dragged Andronikos and John with us.

Christi is ashamed to admit this, but she Continue reading

Family in Athens and Crete

Friday, May 15 On Tuesday morning we flew to Athens. We had gotten lucky and found plane tickets at literally half of what they normally cost. The recession must be really bad to get such cheap tickets during prime tourist season.

We landed in Athens on Wednesday in the late afternoon. Needless to say, it had been a long day of travel. The flights were uneventful. Traveling by plane always makes us appreciate how nice it is to travel by boat. Yes, sometimes travel by boat is miserable, too, but at least on the boat you aren’t cramped into small seats, can get some sleep, can eat or drink whenever you want, can watch a movie of your own choosing, don’t have to listen to screaming babies, don’t have to worry about lost luggage, and don’t have to smell people who have been traveling for 26 hours and need a shower (including ourselves).

Upon arrival in Athens, we went straight to our hotel in downtown, got dinner and crashed. We were up early yesterday morning so we could walk around a bit before meeting Andronikos. We picked a route that took us down streets we have never been on before so we could catch some new sights. We probably walked about 5 miles total and it was lovely. We talked about how much nicer the city has become over the years.

Athens is a fairly homogenous looking city, mostly 8 10 story blocky buildings dotted with Byzantine style churches. You can differentiate the newer churches from the very old ones by their placement. New churches fit the layout of the street. The old churches are in odd places, like hanging halfway out into the street, tucked between two other buildings, or an appendage off of another building. Here is an example of an old church in an odd place


Also, here and there you pass Continue reading