Playa de Bonanza on Espiritu Santo to Playa Pichilingue

Sunrise on Sunday, January 15

We are sad to report that it was no calmer on the north end of the anchorage than it had been on the south end. The rolling wasn’t terrible, but it certainly wasn’t calm. 

At 1000, we met Moin and Erin Skye on the beach and went on a hike inland with them. There were several hikes at Bonanza, and we chose the one closest to where we landed the dinghies. Looking south from the trail head.

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Another Day of Chores and Errands, Plus Dinner on the Malecon

Sunday (January 8) was a mellow day. We went out around 10:30 to search for the whale museum. This time we found it, only a few thousand feet north of where we’d turned around yesterday. Sigh. If only we’d gone a little farther… The museum was closed on Sundays, and it closed at 1400 (2:00 pm) the rest of the week, so we couldn’t have gone on Saturday, anyways.

We picked up a few more groceries, then headed back to the boat to do more chores. In the evening, we went to dinner with the Saphira crew at a restaurant on the malecon called Bismark. A lot of street vendors that came by, including musicians.

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Chores and Errands While at Marina Costa Baja

Sunrise on Thursday, January 5, 2023

We took the 0900 shuttle into town. Our plan was to rent a car and go grocery shopping. We’d noticed that there was an organic market called Nomada Fresh and Organics near the church, so we decided to walk over there and check it out before heading to Chedraui. It turned out to be a restaurant, not a market. So we had breakfast there.

A street vendor came by selling sweets, and we bought one. It was shredded coconut covered in caramel. It tasted just like the Samoa Girl Scout Cookies.

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Marina Costa Baja, Day 2

The simultaneous sunrise and moonset on Saturday December 10, 2022

Since we didn’t have to make water this morning, Eric only ran the generator for an hour and a half to charge the batteries and make enough hot water for showers and dishes. Eric did some chores: changed generator oil and filter, changed water maker filter, and took the oil to the recycling area.

We also defrosted the freezer/refrigerator combo unit in the companionway (hall). All three of our Vitrifigo units tend to ice up quickly and need to be defrosted every two or three months. It is probably worth noting that we have the freezer unit in the salon (living room) turned off since we are low on frozen food and the refrigerator in the galley (kitchen) is still broken.

Yesterday, we’d been pleasantly surprised to find out that the boat tied up in front of us was a family with a child onboard about Keith’s age. In the afternoon, we went to the resort’s beach with them.

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Playa Pichilingue, Day 5

Sunrise on Saturday, November 26. Very demur compared to some of the dramatic sunrises we’ve seen here in Baja.

We were shocked to find that today the tide was significantly higher than it had been yesterday. Yesterday, we’d tied up in front of the big restaurant. That wasn’t an option today since the big restaurant was flooded.

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