Maiden Voyage to Catalina

Thursday May 11th from Dana Point to Catalina to Dana Point Catalina is a great location for boats in Southern California. We had been there with our previous boat. At 35 miles away from Dana Point it took us about 5 hours to get there and 5 hours to get back. This is a nice first trip, not too far, not too close. It gave us a chance test things while underway and get some fun pictures and video. Jeff Merrill, who is our friend, boating mentor, and Nordhavn salesperson, came along to train us.

One thing we got to test right away was Continue reading

Being Tested and Moving Stuff In

Monday May 8th to Wednesday May 10th in Dana Point – We handed over our final payment and they handed us the keys! Yay! But not quite time to celebrate yet — we had additional business to take care of. Our insurance required us to be certified by a captain before we could operate the boat on our own. This meant being tested on our new boat, and not passing would be bad. Continue reading

The Pre-Kosmos Blog Calm

Blog calm = very busy Christi and Eric.

Kosmos is close to being done. We do not like to write about detailed future plans here on the blog, but you can be sure we will report when we take delivery. Also we do not want to jinx anything by prognosticating on dates.

Suffice to say, we are very excited. A long term dream is reaching a turning point. We will soon have a new home, which happens to be a boat. There is enormous responsibility having a boat like this. It feels a little overwhelming right now. We are not there yet, but we look forward to being able to relax with friends and family aboard Kosmos. We know it will take a little while.

In the meantime many things dance in our heads: Continue reading