Boat Construction Update 8 – Looking Seaworthy

Is Kosmos done yet? No, but a white haired fellow walking by proclaimed “That is the most seaworthy boat I have ever seen in my life!” Here is what he saw:

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The smokestack is up. The rigging for the paravanes and boom are much more complete. The windlass (electric motor that hauls up the anchor) was finished and anchor attached. The windlass and hatches have their gray canvas covers. Here is another picture of the paravane rigging: Continue reading

Boat Construction Update 7 – Paravanes and Exterior Goodies

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Quite a bit has happened since our last construction update. First off as you can see, the name and home port is painted on. So instead of people pointing and saying “look at that strange looking fishing trawler boat”, they can now say “look at that strange looking fishing trawler boat named Kosmos, and they spelled Cosmos wrong too, people must be pretty dumb in San Diego.” Sigh. Ok, hopefully rather than “strange” the adjective is “magnificent”. We know Kosmos does not look like most other boats, and we happen to think Kosmos is looking quite seaworthy right now. Of course readers here know why it is “˜K’ not “˜C’, and we are pretty sure that our boat name will lead to some interesting conversations.

There were more goodies attached, for example Continue reading

Dana Dinghy Day & New Friends

Kosmos is about 6 weeks away from being done. We sold our previous boat about a month ago, and because we were selling it, we did not get to use it much in the final few months. We have a issue here: Water withdrawls! Luckliy we found a solution to get us out on the water. Meet our new inflatable dinghy!

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We took delivery of it in the morning and we got to buzz and row around Dana Point harbor. It was fun. And here is a picture of Kosmos from the dinghy. Continue reading

Boat Construction Update 6 – White Mesh & “Laz”

Each time we visit Kosmos, something else is done. Sometimes it is an obvious change, such as the white mesh covers up on the windows:

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Other times you have to look in places such as the lazarette. Err, the where? We were going to link to for the definition for the less nautically savvy, but it gave us this definition: “Lazarette n. hospital for persons with infectious diseases (especially leprosy).” Ummmm…  Continue reading