Tuesday, March 18 — The last three days have been quiet. We’ve primarily focused on school and chores. On Sunday, the wind was still screaming at 20-knots, and on Monday it picked up even more. The wind also drastically shifted directions. One of the reasons this anchorage was packed right now was because there were not many all-weather anchorages in the area. With the forecast indicating such a drastic wind shift, many boaters — including us — determined that Elizabeth Harbor was the best place to ride out the forecasted storm.
The storm finally hit on Monday night. The lightning started as the sun was setting, and the wind got even stronger. The rain started shortly thereafter, and it was pretty hard rain. The anchor alarm went off four times in the night, so needless to say, Eric did not sleep well. On Tuesday morning, the wind did calm down a lot, but it was still windy enough to make the harbor choppy.
Here was the sunrise on Monday.

The moon has continued to be stunning. It wasn’t even full anymore, and yet it was still so big, colorful and luminous. This was a shot from Sunday morning.

As for fun activities… we have had several people come by in their dinghies to say hi. It’s definitely a social place.
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