Schenectady to Chicago

Thursday, May 6 — Day 13: Schenectady, New York, USA to Sarnia, Ontario, Canada

Historic Schenectady


The Eerie Canal


Niagara Falls, the most powerful waterfalls in North America, located in Niagara Falls, New York.


The Cave of the Winds attraction at Niagara Falls. Don’t let the name fool you. There is no Continue reading

Brookfield to Kennebunk

Tuesday, May 4: Day 11: Brookfield, Connecticut to Kennebunk, Maine
Miles for the day: 286

We added our very last 2 containers of fuel:


We took a fascinating guided “Freedom Trail Tour” in Boston. Our tour guide was an actor playing the role of Barzillai Lew, who was a free black man who served as a soldier with distinction during the American Revolution. Here he is showing us Paul Revere’s headstone in the Granary Burial Ground:


We want to save most of the great information and pictures for the full write up we will eventually do, but here are a few teasers from the Freedom Trail. This building was built in 1865. Prior to that, this site held the first public Continue reading

Lake St. Louis to Brookfield

It is easy to fall behind real time posting. Sometimes we do not have good Internet, but usually after a long day of driving, we are just too tired to sort through pictures and do a post. Here are 4 days in one post.

Friday, April 30, 2010: Day 7: Lake St. Louis, Missouri to Dayton, Ohio
Via: I70
Total miles for the entire trip was 2430 at the end of the day.

Adding 2 containers of fuel before leaving the Hocker’s house:


Visit to the arch in St. Louis, Missouri:


View from the top of the arch:


Covered bridge in Greenup, Illinois: Continue reading