Joplin to Lake St. Louis

Thursday, April 29, 2010: Day 6, Joplin, Missouri to Lake St. Louis, Missouri
Via: I44

We are having a great time on the Passage Across America! Fuel consumption is on track so far, although we have gone a few more miles than expected. The car no longer looks as weighted down.

Bit of Eden Bed & Breakfast, Joplin, Missouri:


Adding 2 containers of fuel before leaving the B&B:


For more on our time in Joplin, along with many pictures, see the Remembering Joplin, Missouri post.

World’s Largest Gift Store with a giant candy store directly next door, Phillipsburg, Missouri (Las Vegas, Nevada also claims to have the world’s biggest gift store. Read the verdict here about which store is truly the biggest):


World’s Largest Rocking Chair, Fanning Missouri: Continue reading

Elk City to Joplin

Wednesday April 28, 2010: Day 5, Elk City, Oklahoma to Joplin, Missouri
Via: I40 and I44

We are pretty much half way. We have lots of interesting things to report, but as we mentioned before those longer stories are going to have to wait. For now here a sampling of pictures:

Fuel Added: 2 containers (we figured out it is easier if Christi holds the funnel while Eric pours)


Elk City, Oklahoma:


Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, American Banjo Museum (you almost can’t get more Americana than this): Continue reading

Albuquerque to Elk City

Tuesday April 27, 2010:  Day 4, Albuquerque, New Mexico to Elk City, Oklahoma
Via: I40
Miles: 446

We have gone 1355 miles. We have averaged 55 miles per hour, and 40.1 miles per gallon. We expect those numbers to improve as we keep moving east. We are getting lighter, and we are expecting to drop thousands of feet in elevation on mostly straight roads. Are we going to make it without getting more fuel? It is going to be close…

Fuel added, 2 containers:


Albuquerque, New Mexico (this church was built in 1793):


Tucumcari, New Mexico (for you Dennis): Continue reading

Globe to Albuquerque

April 26, 2010: Day 3, Globe, Arizona to Albuquerque, New Mexico
Via: 60 to 117 to I40
Miles: 374

Fuel added, 1 container:


Historic Downtown Globe, Arizona:


Besh-Ba-Gowah Native American Archeological Park (Globe, Arizona):


Scenic drive from Globe to Show Low, Arizona on 60: Continue reading

Gila Bend to Globe

April 25, 2010 – Day 2, Gila Bend, Arizona to Globe, Arizona
Via: I8 to 60 (Apache Trail)
Miles: 242

Yesterday’s miles per gallon (statue miles per US gallon) was 42.5. Today’s was a rather low 34 due to the numerous hills and a dirt road. We have made it 553 miles so far.

Here is Eric adding one container of fuel to the tank before leaving the Space Age motel:


Painted Rocks Ancient Indian Site (just outside Gila Bend, Arizona):


Dog Run Saloon — note the no firearms allowed sign on Eric’s left! (Apache Junction, Arizona):


We are bug killers: Continue reading