Work Week 3 in San Diego

We have just completed week three back in California. We are leaving in two days. Just like last time, we are eager to go back to our slow paced boating life style. Last time, adjusting back to high speed life was somewhat traumatic. This time we adjusted OK, but just because we adjusted didn’t mean we liked the faster pace.

We again spent the weekend with Eric’s family and spent time with Christi’s family. We have also squeezed in a few more visits with friends. We had a great time with all the people we did get to see, and are sad that we didn’t get a chance to see more of our friends. To everyone we didn’t get a chance to call, know that we love you all the same. We were crazy busy with Eric’s work and Christi’s project and there just wasn’t enough time for friends. While we don’t miss life in America much, we definitely miss all our friends and family a lot.

We have lots of good news to report! Eric’s project looks like it will be completed before we go, most of the loose ends we left behind last time were taken care of, and it looks as if we are going to be able to wrap up our surprise project before we leave. It won’t be the nicest wrapping up job, but it will be sufficient. Last time we were kind of stressed about all the loose ends being left behind, but this time we feel good about how neatly most things have been wrapped up. To reiterate, if you want to travel, there will never, ever be a time in your life when everything is perfectly wrapped up, so you just have to decide go when it is “good enough”.

Here is another observation about life at home versus life for us in other countries: Continue reading

Work Week 1 in San Diego

We got to the Athens airport and got in the appropriate check in line. The clerk asked for our names. She couldn’t find us. She searched a few more ways. Still couldn’t find us. She asked for our proof we had booked a flight. Even with our flight confirmation in hand, she still couldn’t find us. She went to her supervisor for help. We were nervous. The supervisor couldn’t find us. We were fighting panic. After several more minutes, the supervisor had us booked onto the flight, which was a relief. Our concern was that they were sold out and wouldn’t have any seats for us. Seeing there was availability made us hopeful that maybe there wouldn’t be someone in the seat next to us, but no such luck.

Our flight home was completely uneventful. This time our layover was in New York City. Just as we had to in England and in Germany on our previous flights, we had to go through security again when we switched planes. Normally, security checkpoints are in open, well ventilated areas. Not this one at JFK airport. It was Continue reading

11 Days Into Our Visit To Eric’s Mom

A week has passed since our last blog entry, and we are pleased to report that Eric’s mom continues to improve a little every day. She is in good spirits, her appetite is increasing, and she can do more and more things for herself with less/no help. The doctor said if she continues to improve, they will let her go home soon. Don’t get us wrong, she is still very sick. But now it looks like she will be fighting a long battle with cancer instead of a short one. We are all thrilled about that.

Chemotherapy has come a long, long way from what it was only 7 years ago when Christi’s mom had cancer. The chemo is more targeted, killing less healthy cells, and the anti-nausea drugs are fabulous. Eric’s mom is experiencing very few of the horrible side effects that Christi’s mom had to endure. Her type of cancer is also especially responsive to chemo.

Eric has spent every single day Continue reading