As you all know, our blog postings are behind real time (see About the Blog). You may have noticed that sometimes a post will cover only half a day, and sometime a post will cover three or four days. We only write about what we think is interesting, so if nothing interesting happens for a few days, we condense those days into one story. Over the next few posts, this condensing will be very noticeable. This compression of time simply means the blog is closer to real-time than it was, which is a good thing, since we were getting pretty far behind real time. As an FYI, because it takes hours to write the stories and sort through the photos, the blog will always be behind real time.
We have been in Southern California for four days now. In some ways, it feels like we have never left. Almost everything looks the same and we immediately started to get back into the groove of our old life. When we saw Christi’s family, we just picked up where we left off.
But in other ways, it feels like a lot has changed. First Continue reading