Driving to Fresno

Yes, blog posts are still behind real time by quite a ways. Here the start of a story about a fun trip we had, although not aboard Kosmos. We have been exercising Kosmos about every other week by taking her out of San Diego bay and into the ocean for a few miles. She must be wondering what is going on, since we have not run her for more than 4 hours straight since we have been back. A far cry from the more typical 100 hour runs we used to do. We do try to run all the engines under some load (main, wing, generator) once a week.

Friday, September 25th Ever since Eric returned to his job, he has been working on a huge project that required lots of over time. The project was wrapped up this week, and we decided to celebrate by going out of town for a three day weekend. We had a hard time deciding after all, there were so many people and places that we wanted to go visit. But, we decided on Yosemite, since Christi has never been there and Eric hasn’t been there for many years. We could also see our good friend, Cindi, who lives close by.

Today was the drive up. We left San Diego around 1100 and are pleased to report Continue reading

The Birch Aquarium

Sunday, September 20 On Monday morning, Christi picked up some rubber o-rings for the watermaker fresh water filter housing. Eric changed out the rings out when he got home from work. Unfortunately, that didn’t do the trick in terms of stopping the leak, so more investigation is going to be needed to figure out the source of the leak. It looks like the filter might not be fitting just right.

We forgot to mention that a few weeks ago, Eric and his dad went to see Continue reading

Replacing the Starter Battery

Time seems to pass by in a quick sort of way these days. Here is a story from a little while ago…

Sunday, September 13 We had been procrastinating on putting in a new main engine starter battery largely because we were undecided about whether to replace it with the same size or a smaller one. On our last bay cruise, we noticed that the secondary alternator that charges the battery seemed to have inconsistent voltage drops. Hmmm”¦ was it the battery or the alternator causing the issue? We realized we couldn’t put off replacing the battery anymore. It was time to make a decision.

Our starter battery is a size Continue reading

Boating Tidbits and Q&A

Monday, August 24 — While we are not moving relative to our around the world pace, we are still using Kosmos. We start the engines every week. Also we have taken the boat out twice since Eric fixed the transmission cooler. The first time it took Christi literally all day to get the boat ready to go. Since it had been so long since we had moved Kosmos, just about every storage space aboard had to be re-packed and an almost overwhelming number of things needed to be stowed. But, the good news is she found some stuff she had lost weeks before!

On that first outing, we went out to Continue reading

Fixing the O-Rings and More on Adjusting Back to Life in San Diego

Saturday, August 15 Two months has passed since our last post on adjusting to “regular” life. Emotionally speaking, Eric is now fully adjusted again, though it is a bit different than last time. In our old life, we had ridiculously busy schedules. Not only did we work a lot, we filled almost all of our non-work time with assorted activities. Most of our friends Continue reading