A week has passed since our last blog entry, and we are pleased to report that Eric’s mom continues to improve a little every day. She is in good spirits, her appetite is increasing, and she can do more and more things for herself with less/no help. The doctor said if she continues to improve, they will let her go home soon. Don’t get us wrong, she is still very sick. But now it looks like she will be fighting a long battle with cancer instead of a short one. We are all thrilled about that.
Chemotherapy has come a long, long way from what it was only 7 years ago when Christi’s mom had cancer. The chemo is more targeted, killing less healthy cells, and the anti-nausea drugs are fabulous. Eric’s mom is experiencing very few of the horrible side effects that Christi’s mom had to endure. Her type of cancer is also especially responsive to chemo.
Eric has spent every single day Continue reading