The Aftermath of Hurricane Kay

On Friday morning (September 9), we were surprised to wake up to no wind and no rain. The storm had cleared much earlier than expected. What a relief! It did start to drizzle not long after we woke up, but the drizzle didn’t last long.

The rivers had dried up. We couldn’t believe how clear the water in the bay was! Between all the mud that had come down and the churned up water, we’d expected the water to be too dirty to run the generator or watermaker. Another happy surprise!

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Islas Coronados to Puerto Escondido — And Alternator

On Friday morning (August 5), the water was again calm and clear when we awoke. We got Kosmos ready for sea first thing in the morning. This included bringing up and securing the dinghy, bringing in and securing the flopper stopper plates/paravane poles, bringing in the snubber line (which is basically a shock absorber for the anchor chain), securing all loose items on board, etc. We weren’t leaving early; we just wanted to have everything done before the tourist pangas started roaring past us, creating wakes. Then we went for a swim around the boat and saw a lot of fish, including a pair of puffers sitting on our chain at the bow of the boat.

We set off for Puerto Escondido a little before noon and arrived around 1500. It is less stressful for us to go someplace we’ve been before. This time we were assigned to a different dock. We spent a couple of hours at the pool and had dinner at the marina restaurant. In the evening, we got to know our new neighbors. 

Here is a picture of the sunset, looking at the north end of the bay. The topography of this picture is important for the next part of the story. While there are taller mountains to the west and south, the east and north parts of the bay are protected by low hills with gaps. 

On Saturday (August 6), in the wee hours of the morning, Eric was awoken again. He saw that wind picked up to 23 knots. There was lightning, thunder and later a heavy rain. Eric was shocked to see that the waves were big enough that they were splashing over the end dock where the big boats tie up.

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February 2019 Update on Us


Our big news is that we have moved back to San Diego! The San Francisco Bay Area was nice, and we did enjoy the boating up there, but we are deeply rooted in San Diego. Eric has returned to work at DivX, and he is excited by the new opportunities there. Keith is back at his former French language immersion school. We have mostly fallen back into our old routine. That includes helping our two remaining parents, who are both in their late 80s, very frail, and need a lot of help.

We returned in early January, when weather windows along the coast are few and far between. We lucked out and got an amazing weather window from San Francisco to San Diego in between two big weather systems. The window lasted three days, and we managed to get back into San Diego in (relatively) blazing fast 70 hours. Here is a photo of sea conditions:

Last year, we did a lot of work to Kosmos. We changed out both refrigerators and the washer/dryer, resealed the main engine keel cooler, installed a new wind sensor and display, installed a new inverter, got new bottom paint, and put Prop Speed on the keel coolers.

We’re hoping that life slows down for us soon so that we can find time to fix the technical issues with the blog site, as well as write posts about the work we’ve done to Kosmos and the places we’ve explored, both via boat and via land travel. Meanwhile, here is a pic from Angel Island, a small island park in the middle of the Bay:

Choosing a New Muffler and Removing the Old One

…continued from the Exhaust Wrap and Exhaust Leak (and Muffler) post. Here is what the muffler looked like when we took the exhaust wrap off:

Eric wanted to replace the old muffler with a stainless steel one. He contacted Nordhavn to see if the same muffler was made in stainless steel. It was, however, it was $1,400 vs $400 for the carbon steel version. But the bad news was that, while it wouldn’t rust as quickly as the carbon steel one, the stainless steel one was still prone to rusting, too. Hmmm… that didn’t sound good.

Eric talked to a few people and found out that Continue reading

Exhaust Wrap and Exhaust Leak (and Muffler)

In early 2010, we knew we had an exhaust leak. Also, the shiny metallic coating on our exhaust wrap in the engine room was starting to disintegrate, regularly shedding small silver fragments all over the engine room.

Eric knew getting the exhaust wrap off to look for the leak would be be messy, since it was falling apart. Getting it back on would be difficult and even messier. We decided it was time to replace the wrap, and hired a professional to remove the old wrap, measure and fabricate new wrap, and install it. While the wrap was off, Eric could inspect the system and make the repair.

Rather than Continue reading