Sunrise on Friday, November 4

We woke up to ominously grey skies and strong, cool wind. It looked like it was going to rain, though it never did. The anchorage was rolly and uncomfortable. Eric put out the other paravane first thing in the morning. The paravane helped, but it was still uncomfortable.
Anxious to get a reprieve from the rocking, we got ready to go to shore as soon as we were done with our morning chores/school. It was the coolest day we’ve had in Baja so far, with temperatures in the low 70s. It was the perfect day for a hike!
We were shocked when we were about to get into the dinghy and saw that there were several inches of water inside. Ugh. We quickly bailed out the water and took it to the big sand bar to inspect the bottom for cracks. In good news, nothing was wrong. The drain plug had gotten loose. Eric tightened the drain plug and all was fixed!
In the Agua Verde Day 3 post, the 8th photo was of the Sea of Cortez side of the sand bar. It was flat as a pancake that day. Today, there were waves crashing on the shore.