On Sunday, Dan, Liz and Drake came to the marina at lunch time. The males went to the pool. Another cruising family was also at the pool, with kids who were 9 and 11. The four kids had a blast and played all afternoon and into the evening.

One of the tricks Christi and Eric learned while circumnavigating is that cooking can be difficult at times, so we need plenty of frozen foods onboard that can be easily re-heated. We’d eaten quite a bit of our frozen food stockpile on the passage, in Bahia Falsa and in Bahia Candeleros, so Christi spent the afternoon cooking in order to re-stock the freezer supply. Liz kept her company.
First thing Monday morning, Eric started on the battery charger project. Eric had located and read the manual, and had psyched himself up for a major repair project. He was delighted to find that it was just a breaker that needed to be re-set. Christi spent most of Monday cooking and doing chores. The boat kids came over and played in the afternoon. In the evening, we had dinner at the marina restaurant with the boating family and our neighbor on the Nordhavn 40.
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