Keith’s Perspective on La Cruz de Huanacaxtle, Puerto Vallarta and Bahia de Navidad/Le point de vue de Keith sur La Cruz de Huanacaxtle, Puerto Vallarta et Bahia de Navidad

This week was the best one so far. On Saturday, we walked around Puerto Vallarta. We were going to eat at a place that had really good tacos al pastor, but it was closed. Instead, we ate at a market. After that we went to a chocolate museum and a navy museum. 

Cette semaine était la meilleure. Samedi, on s’est promené à puerto Vallarta. On a presque mangé à un restaurant qui a des très bons tacos al pastor, mais c’était fermé. Donc nous avons mangé au marché. Après ça, nous sommes allés au musée du chocolat et au musée de la marine. 

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Keith’s Perspective on Week 2/Le point de vue de Keith sur la deuxième semaine

This week was pretty good. Saturday continued to have good seas, but Sunday and Monday had rougher seas. Me and Mom didn’t mind, but dad seemed a bit sick. 

Cette semaine était plutôt bonne. Samedi, la mer était calme, mais dimanche et lundi la mer était plus agitée. Moi et maman étions ok, mais papa était malade. 

We arrived in Marina La Cruz on Tuesday around noon, then we went out to eat at a place called Ballena Blanca.

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Keith’s Perspective on Week 1 of our Cruising Adventure/Le point de vue de Keith sur la première semaine de notre aventure en croisière

This week was really eventful. We started the trip on Sunday December 1, and got to Ensenada on that same day. We were trapped on the boat until Monday because we hadn’t checked in to the country. 

Monday might’ve been my favorite day of the week! We checked in, which took a while. After that, we went to El Rey Sol. It’s a really fancy French restaurant with really good Caesar Salads. I ordered the French Onion Soup and a Fondue Pot, both of which were really good. Mom and dad got beef tenderloin which I got a few bites of, and we all got Caesar Salads. Dad and I also split a fruit tart.  

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Keith’s Perspective on Joshua Tree/Le point de vue de Keith sur Joshua Tree

Joshua Tree national park was amazing! The first day we drove there. We stopped to get food at a place called Farmer Boys. We went to my friend Heath’s campsite.

Le parc national de Joshua Tree était incroyable! Le premier jour nous avons conduit jusqu’à Joshua Tree. Nous nous sommes arrêtés pour manger à un restaurant qui s’appelle Farmer Boys. Après ça nous avons conduit jusqu’à l’emplacement de camping de mon ami Heath. 

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