Keith’s Thoughts on Baja/Réflexions de Keith sur Baja

Overall, I like Baja California, Mexico It has it’s good parts and it’s bad parts. It has beautiful scenery (mostly rock formations… most plants we found were cactus or dead). 

Isla Coronados, August 4, 2022

Dans l’ensemble, j’ai aimé Baja California. Mexico a des bons cotés et des moins bons cotés. Il y a de très beaux paysages (plutôt des formations rocheuses…. La plupart des plantes qu’on a trouvé étaient des cactus ou étaient mortes). 

San Francisquito, August 26, 2022

As for civilization, La Paz is nice with good food and a beautiful malecon. Loreto is a good town, not too big and too small. Bahia  de Los Angeles is super small, but it is a good town nonetheless. But my favorite town is Santa Rosalia. It has good food, especially pastries, and is cute and small.  

Santa Rosalia’s waterfront on south end of town, October 10, 2022
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Keith’s Perspective on Turtle Bay and the Passage to Ensenada/Le point de vue de Keith sur Turtle Bay et le passage vers EnsenadaKeith’s Perspective on Turtle Bay and the Passage to Ensenada

Turtle Bay is a nice bay. It has a small town, and some restaurants. There was a person who  had a water taxi service and could take us to the town on his boat. But he dropped us off at the pier, which was covered in bird poop! It was disgusting. So we did beach landings when we went to town one our own dinghy. 

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Keith’s Perspective on the Passages from La Paz to Turtle Bay and on Whale Watching/Le point de vue de Keith sur les passages de La Paz à Turtle Bay et sur l’observation des baleines

I had a good time on the first passage from Costa Lotta to Magdalena Bay. The seas were calm. I mostly played video games and ate ice cream. I slept well, and in my parent’s bed! I didn’t have to do a  night watch. But I had to do some day watches.

February 18, 2023

Le premier passage de Costa Lotta à Magdalena Bay s’est bien passé. La mer était calme. Presque tout le temps j’ai joué aux jeux vidéos et mangé de la glace. J’ai très bien dormi, et dans le lit de mes parents! Je n’avais pas de tour de garde la nuit. Mais je devais faire des tours de garde la journée.

Whale floating just below the surface, looking at us
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Keith’s Perspective on Our Last Week in La Paz/Le point de vue de Keith sur notre dernière semaine à La Paz

Overall, I liked La Paz. There were parts that weren’t so good, but those were far outranked by the good parts. There’s lots of good food and nice scenery. I can’t say I’m sad to leave La Paz, but only because I want to see my friends at home. We took the shuttle to town several times. We ate out every time. We ate at a place called Nim. I got some chicken, but I didn’t like the sauce. We ate at a place called El Zarape and a pasta place. We went to an art museum. All the art was creepy. We went to an anthropology museum, but it wasn’t that interesting

Sunrise, Marina Costa Baja
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Keith’s Perspective on La Paz (Costa Baja)/Le Point de vue de Keith sur La Paz (Marina Costa Baja)

I am having a good time at La Paz. We’ve eaten out a lot: breakfast, brunch, lunch, and dinner.

Steak and potatoes from the Spanish Restaurant in the Costa Baja Resort. Keith loved it.

Je passe un bon moment à La Paz. Nous mangeons beaucoup dehors : petit déjeuner, brunch, déjeuner et dîner.

We went to an animal sanctuary with some friends. There were lots of cool animals. There were turtles that looked like they had red eyes. There were also tortoises!

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