Playa Pichilingue to Bahia Falsa

While this isn’t the best picture of the moon itself, it shows how much light the full moon was emanating on Thursday, December 8, before the sun rose. It was so bright it was almost like daylight.

Here was the sun rising to the east while the moon was setting in the west.

On the morning La Paz radio net, Eric announced that we’d just arrived and were looking for kid boats. After the net was done, someone called us on the radio and said there were two boats in Bahia Falsa with kids close in age to Keith. 

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Ensenada del Candelero on Isla Espiritu Santo to Playa Pichilingue

Sunrise on Wednesday, December 7

This morning, the Oceananigans kids came over in the morning to play. It was a quick playdate, as both boats pulled up anchor and left at 1000. Kosmos was headed for Playa Pichilingue.

Just southwest of Ensenada del Calendero is a small island called Isla Ballena. Eric opted to navigate through the narrow pass between Isla Ballena and Espiritu Santo rather than go around Isla Ballena.

It was a nice day, mostly sunny with scattered clouds. For the most part, we had calm seas, though there was a point where we were in unprotected waters and experienced big swells. Fortunately, it didn’t last long.

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Second Trip to Ensenada del Candelero on Isla Espiritu Santo, Day 2

The sunrise on Tuesday December 6, 2022. The sky looked like it was engulfed in flames.

In the mid-morning, Oceananigans let us know they were going to do the hike. Eric and Christi weren’t quite ready to go, but Keith went went with them. When Eric and Christi were ready, they went to shore and waited for the group near the beach. A few minutes later, the group emerged. Christi and the kids went up the ridge between the the two beaches and walked inland along the jagged and rocky top of the ridge for quite a ways. 

This was their highest point before they headed back down.

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Caleta Partida to Ensenada del Candelero on Isla Espiritu Santo

Sunrise on Monday December 5

We pulled up anchor at about 0910 and headed to Ensenada del Candelero on Isla Espiritu Santo, located only two bays south of Caleta Partida. It only took 30 minutes to get there. Shortly after leaving, we rolled up 7,000 hours on the engine.

Here was the view of the anchorage as we came in.

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