I liked the La Mona anchorage. Mostly, we played at the beach. I had fun with with the kids on Gen M and Double Deuce. We went to a costume party. I liked the party at first, but toward the end, some adults were obnoxiously drunk. I played some D&D with Gen M, which was fun.
J’ai aimé l’ancrage de La Mona. Principalement, nous avons joué à la plage. Je me suis amusé avec les enfants de Gen M et Double Deuce. Nous sommes allés à une fête déguisée. J’ai aimé la fête au début, mais vers la fin, plusieurs adultes étaient désagréablement ivres. J’ai joué un peu à D&D et c’était amusant.
I hated Bahia San Francisquito. There were no kids! It was ultra rocky! We were trapped inside the boat because there were so many bees! It was horrible!
Bahia San Francisquito — we weren’t trapped onboard the entire time!
Ja’i deteste Bahia San Francisquito. Il n’y avait pas d’eufants. La mer etait tres agitee. Nous etions coinces dans le bateau parce qu’il y avait beaucoup d’abeills. C’etait horrible.