I liked the La Mona anchorage. Mostly, we played at the beach. I had fun with with the kids on Gen M and Double Deuce. We went to a costume party. I liked the party at first, but toward the end, some adults were obnoxiously drunk. I played some D&D with Gen M, which was fun.
J’ai aimé l’ancrage de La Mona. Principalement, nous avons joué à la plage. Je me suis amusé avec les enfants de Gen M et Double Deuce. Nous sommes allés à une fête déguisée. J’ai aimé la fête au début, mais vers la fin, plusieurs adultes étaient désagréablement ivres. J’ai joué un peu à D&D et c’était amusant.
I hated Bahia San Francisquito. There were no kids! It was ultra rocky! We were trapped inside the boat because there were so many bees! It was horrible!
Ja’i deteste Bahia San Francisquito. Il n’y avait pas d’eufants. La mer etait tres agitee. Nous etions coinces dans le bateau parce qu’il y avait beaucoup d’abeills. C’etait horrible.