Second Trip to Ensenada Grande on Isla Partida, Day 3

Sunday (January 22) was another rolly morning. First thing in the morning, we coordinated with the other families to go for the big hike. We encouraged everyone to meet onshore ASAP so we could all get a reprieve from the rocking.

We met on the main beach at 1030. It felt good to be on dry land! The older kids took off hiking right away. The adults and younger kids didn’t get moving until after 1100. We’d mentioned that on the day we’d arrived, there was a fourth boat in the anchorage that we didn’t know. It turned out the fourth boat was also a family, and that family joined us on the hike, too. 

Probably around 1120, the kids and adults passed one another as the kids were on their way down. Keith reported that they hadn’t gotten as far as we’d gotten last time before they decided they were hot and turned around.

It wasn’t nearly as green now as it had been last time we’d hiked the trail, but there was still plenty of plant life. The first photo was looking back at the beach, and the second photo was taken at the same spot, but looking up the trail.

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Playa de Bonanza on Espiritu Santo to Playa Pichilingue

Sunrise on Sunday, January 15

We are sad to report that it was no calmer on the north end of the anchorage than it had been on the south end. The rolling wasn’t terrible, but it certainly wasn’t calm. 

At 1000, we met Moin and Erin Skye on the beach and went on a hike inland with them. There were several hikes at Bonanza, and we chose the one closest to where we landed the dinghies. Looking south from the trail head.

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Second Trip to Ensenada del Candelero on Isla Espiritu Santo, Day 2

The sunrise on Tuesday December 6, 2022. The sky looked like it was engulfed in flames.

In the mid-morning, Oceananigans let us know they were going to do the hike. Eric and Christi weren’t quite ready to go, but Keith went went with them. When Eric and Christi were ready, they went to shore and waited for the group near the beach. A few minutes later, the group emerged. Christi and the kids went up the ridge between the the two beaches and walked inland along the jagged and rocky top of the ridge for quite a ways. 

This was their highest point before they headed back down.

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Ensenada Grande on Isla Partida, Days 2 and 3

Sunrise on Thursday, December 1. Sometimes the clouds made the sunrises and sunsets extra dramatic; sometimes the clouds just blocked the light.

Check out the fish around our boat.

Eric had done some online searching, and found the family that we’d missed in La Paz. They happened to to be nearby, so they came to our anchorage to meet us. Eric and Keith went to shore to meet the family. Since Christi was still not feeling good and didn’t want to pass on her germs, she stayed aboard and rested.

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Ensenada del Candelero on Isla Espiritu Santo, Day 2

Sunrise on Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Eric did not sleep well from all the rolling in the anchorage. First thing in the morning, he deployed a flopper stopper. It helped some, but it was still uncomfortable. The water was too shallow to put out the paravane, so later in the day, he fixed the broken flopper stopper. The flopper stopper had metal clips and it was the clips that had broken. He just tied knots in the line and deployed it. Much to his pleasure, it worked! Having the second flopper stopper helped even more, but there was still a lot of movement.

Our friends on Oceananigans arrived in late morning. With all the rocking, we were desperate to get to day land. Shortly after they arrived, we went to shore with them to do the hike up the ravine.

This was the view from the top of the peak seen in the above photo.

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