Refugio was not very fun. It was so buggy at sunset until 9:30 am. We mostly snorkeled. There were some kids on a boat that I played with. We went on a hike the second day we were there, but it was sooooo hot. Once we got up on the mesa, there was clover-like plants there. There were also lots of caterpillars. Going down the other side, I slid on the dirt, flipped over, slid face first towards a pile of rocks, but then spun around and landed safe and sound. Over all, I did not like it because we were trapped on the boat.
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Keith’s Perspective on Pescador and The Village/Le point de vue de Keith sur Pescador et The Village
I liked Pescador. The boating families Double Deuce and Basik were there. We went to a bonfire almost every night.
J’ai aimé Pescador. Les familles des bateaux Double Deuce et Basik étaient là. Nous sommes allés à des feux de camps presque tous les soirs.
Continue readingKeith’s Perspective on the Various Bay of LA Anchorages/Le point de vue de Keith sur les différents mouillages de la baie de Los Angeles
I liked La Mona the second time. We went to another party, this time on a cruiser’s beach, and did D&D with Basik and Gen M.
Continue readingKeith’s Perspective on La Mona, The Village at Bahia de Los Angeles and Hurricane Kay/Le point de vue de Keith sur La Mona, le village de Bahia de Los Angeles et l’ouragan Kay
I liked the La Mona anchorage. Mostly, we played at the beach. I had fun with with the kids on Gen M and Double Deuce. We went to a costume party. I liked the party at first, but toward the end, some adults were obnoxiously drunk. I played some D&D with Gen M, which was fun.
J’ai aimé l’ancrage de La Mona. Principalement, nous avons joué à la plage. Je me suis amusé avec les enfants de Gen M et Double Deuce. Nous sommes allés à une fête déguisée. J’ai aimé la fête au début, mais vers la fin, plusieurs adultes étaient désagréablement ivres. J’ai joué un peu à D&D et c’était amusant.
Continue readingKeith’s Perspective on Bahia San Francisquito and Puerto Don Juan/Le point de vue de Keith sur Bahia San Fransquito et Puerto Don Juan
I hated Bahia San Francisquito. There were no kids! It was ultra rocky! We were trapped inside the boat because there were so many bees! It was horrible!
Ja’i deteste Bahia San Francisquito. Il n’y avait pas d’eufants. La mer etait tres agitee. Nous etions coinces dans le bateau parce qu’il y avait beaucoup d’abeills. C’etait horrible.
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