Keith’s Perspective on Punta Salinas, Isla San Francisco and Costa Baja/Le point de vue de Keith sur Punta Salinas, Isla San Francisco et Costa Baja

I enjoyed my time at Punta Salinas. It has salt flats that used to be salt mines; they were fun to explore. We went on the salt flats, which felt like snow and ice. But there were other salt flats that had a layer of mud under it. Well, not quite mud. It was this icky black stuff.

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Keith’s Perspective on Ensenada Grande and San Evaristo/Le point de vue de Keith sur Ensenada Grande et San EvaristoKeith’s Perspective on Ensenada Grande and San Evaristo

I had an okay time at Ensenada Grande. There were a lot of kids. We did some D&D, but there were too many kids playing D&D to be fun. We went on a hike with some other people. Most of us kids went ahead of the parents. We got tired and turned back. I had a miserable time on the hike. After we got back, our dinghy flipped. 

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Keith’s Perspective on Ensenada de Gallo, Playa Bonanza and Playa Pichilingue/Le point de vue de Keith sur Ensenada de Gallo, Playa Bonanza et Playa PichilingueKeith’s Perspective on Ensenada de Gallo, Playa Bonanza and Playa Pichilingue

I liked Ensenada de Gallo. We went to the beach there, and went on a dinghy ride to a beach in another anchorage that you cannot anchor near. I played D&D with the kid group. 

J’ai aimé Ensenada de Gallo. Nous sommes allés à la plage, et nous avons pris le canot pour aller sur une autre plage où ne peut pas aller en bateau. J’ai joué à D&D avec un groupe d’enfant. 

I had a good time Playa Bonanza. We played another round of D&D. We also went on a hike.

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Keith’s Perspective on Our Third Trips to La Paz and Ensenada del Candelero/Le point de vue de Keith sur nos troisièmes voyages à La Paz et Ensenada del CandeleroKeith’s Perspective on our Third Trips to La Paz and Ensenada del Candelero/

I had a good time in our last trip to La Paz. Not much to report, just talking to boat people, going shopping, and eating out. I had a huge burger with double everything, and then a cookies ’n  cream milkshake after that. We went to a whale museum. I almost lost my breakfast when the guide showed me dolphin organs. I also played with Oceananigans, Double Deuce, and Sirena. I also met a new boat kid named Jackson.

J’ai passé du bon temps lors de notre dernière visite à La Paz. Pas beaucoup de choses à dire, j’ai juste parlé avec d’autres matelots, fait les boutiques et mangé dehors. J’ai mangé un énorme burger avec le double de chaque ingrédient, et un milkshake au cookies and cream après ca. Nous sommes allés à un musée sur les baleines. J’ai presque rendu mon petit-déjeuner quand le guide m’a montré des organes de dauphins. J’ai aussi joué avec Oceananigans, Double Deuce, et Sirena. J’ai rencontré un nouvel enfant de matelot qui s’appelle Jackson. 

Jaws of a Megadaladon shark

I had a lot of fun in Ensenada Candelero, too. There were a bunch of kids. We played Hide and Seek in hills where the hike is. I fell. We played D&D, and that was fun. 

The estuary in Ensenada del Candelero was mostly dry!

Je me suis aussi beaucoup amusé à Ensenada Candelero. Il y avait beaucoup d’enfants. Nous avons joué à cache-cache dans les collines où il y a  le chemin de randonnée. Je suis tombé. Nous avons joué à D&D et c’était amusant. 

Keith’s Perspective of Land Life vs Boat Life/Le point de vue de Keith sur la vie à terre et la vie en bateauKeith’s Perspective of Land Life vs Boat Life

Land life and boat life each have their pros and cons. La vie sur terre et la vie sur mer ont des pour et contre. 

In the boat, it’s fun to be able to go to an anchorage or relocate whenever you want. But the boat has limited space. Unless you are in a marina, you have to get in the dinghy, then zoom over to the nearest good place to land. 

Sur le bateau, c’est amusant d’aller à un ancrage et de se relocaliser quand tu veux. Mais le bateau a un espace limité. Sauf si tu es dans une Marina, sinon tu dois prendre le canot pour aller sur le meilleur endroit le plus proche sur terre.

Marina Costa Baja in La Paz, Mexico
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