The Ensenada to Bahia Falsa Passage From Keith’s Perspective/Le passage de Ensenada à Bahia Falsa du point de vue de Keith.

On the passage, I got kind of seasick part of the first day. On the second day, I got more adjusted to the ocean. Day three, I got better sea legs. Days four and five were about the same as day 3. I played lots of video games and read lots of books. I mostly ate soup and microwave burritos. My watches were from 10:00 am to noon and 2:00 – 4:00 pm.

Pendant la traversé, j’ai été un peu malade une partie du premier jour. Le deuxième jour, je me suis habitué à l’océan. Le troisième jour, j’ai finalement commencé à avoir le pied marin. Le troisième et le quatrième jour étaient presque pareil que le jour 3. J’ai joué à beaucoup de jeux vidéo et lu beaucoup de livres. J’ai principalement mangé de la soupe et des burritos réchauffés au micro onde. Les tours de garde étaient de 10h à 12h et de 2h à 4h.

October 2019 Tahiti Vacation — Days 3 and 4

Day 3 – Tuesday

We started the day off by heading over to Mahana Park to go snorkeling. Unfortunately, Keith did not want to get into the water. 

Because of the recent full moon, the current was unusually strong. Christi and Eric had bought new fins for the trip that were attached rugged water shoes. The selling point of these fins is that they are easy to walk in, making it much easier to enter via the beach; the downside of these fins is that they don’t provide as much power while swimming as full length fins. Christi only went in for a short time because she felt like she couldn’t fight the current with those little fins. 

Keith and Christi hung out on the beach looking for beach glass while Rose and Eric snorkeled. Here are some pictures that Rose took: 


Afterwards, Keith and Eric went to Continue reading

October 2019 Vacation in Tahiti — Days 1 and 2

We are on vacation in Tahiti (by airplane). Since Tahiti is such a special place to us, we wanted to write some posts about what it has been like to come back again.

Day 1 – Sunday 

Our flight arrived at 6:00 am. Keith and our friend Rose were astounded to see chickens running around the airport’s parking lot. Christi and Eric informed them we’d be seeing chickens everywhere.

We rented a car and headed straight to the condo that we had rented in a suburb to the southwest of Papetee, the main city in Tahiti. The condo is near the airport and Marina Tahina. The condo had looked nice online, and Continue reading

February 2019 Update on Us


Our big news is that we have moved back to San Diego! The San Francisco Bay Area was nice, and we did enjoy the boating up there, but we are deeply rooted in San Diego. Eric has returned to work at DivX, and he is excited by the new opportunities there. Keith is back at his former French language immersion school. We have mostly fallen back into our old routine. That includes helping our two remaining parents, who are both in their late 80s, very frail, and need a lot of help.

We returned in early January, when weather windows along the coast are few and far between. We lucked out and got an amazing weather window from San Francisco to San Diego in between two big weather systems. The window lasted three days, and we managed to get back into San Diego in (relatively) blazing fast 70 hours. Here is a photo of sea conditions:

Last year, we did a lot of work to Kosmos. We changed out both refrigerators and the washer/dryer, resealed the main engine keel cooler, installed a new wind sensor and display, installed a new inverter, got new bottom paint, and put Prop Speed on the keel coolers.

We’re hoping that life slows down for us soon so that we can find time to fix the technical issues with the blog site, as well as write posts about the work we’ve done to Kosmos and the places we’ve explored, both via boat and via land travel. Meanwhile, here is a pic from Angel Island, a small island park in the middle of the Bay:

April 2013 Update on Us

Keith and KosmosWe haven’t been able to update the blog lately because life has been hectic for us. Eric has been traveling a lot for work. He has had a trip almost every week this year. Most of the destinations haven’t been too interesting, but last month he did have an eight day trip to Siberia. When he isn’t on the road, he puts in long days at the office.

Christi and Keith have also been traveling a lot. They have tagged along with Eric on a couple business trips (Christi was tempted to go to Siberia until she found out it would take 40 hours of travel time each way and the weather forecast was -10.) They have also made five trips to Las Vegas to see Christi’s dad.

We are pleased to report that Kosmos’ new muffler is working. Getting it installed is a long story and we hope to find time to write about it soon. We’ve also got more boat updates to write about, including the toilets, wing engine, new canvas, baby gear and a boat trip up to Oceanside Harbor. And we have some travel posts we want to write, as well.

Keith is now 13 months old and has really turned into a little person! It seems like Continue reading