Keith’s Perspective on Refugio, Bahia Los Rocas, The Village and Don Juan/Le point de vue de Keith sur Refugio, Bahia Los Rocas, The Village et Don Juan

Refugio was not very fun. It was so buggy at sunset until 9:30 am. We mostly snorkeled. There were some kids on a boat that I played with. We went on a hike the second day we were there, but it was sooooo hot. Once we got up on the mesa, there was clover-like plants there. There were also lots of caterpillars. Going down the other side, I slid on the dirt, flipped over, slid face first towards a pile of rocks, but then spun around and landed safe and sound. Over all, I did not like it because we were trapped on the boat.

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Keith’s Perspective on Pescador and The Village/Le point de vue de Keith sur Pescador et The Village

I liked Pescador. The boating families Double Deuce and Basik were there. We went to a bonfire almost every night.

J’ai aimé Pescador. Les familles des bateaux Double Deuce et Basik étaient là. Nous sommes allés à des feux de camps presque tous les soirs. 

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